Information for Tradespeople


Building or renovating soon?

Remember that your plans must first be reviewed and approved by the Zenith Garden Neighbourhood Association Executive Committee prior to being submitted to Warringah Council for building approval. This preliminary approval process is necessary in order to ensure that your plans meet the Management Statement requirements. This step will also save you any unnecessary delays in starting construction. Plans are reviewed by the Executive Committee.
Once your plans are approved and you are ready to start construction, please make sure that your building contractors are aware of the Zenith Garden builders' guidelines. Please print the Builders Information sheet (PDF format) and distribute it to all those involved.

Why special instructions for builders?

The Zenith Garden Estate is very unique, as once you enter the front gates, you are on private property. Even the roads within the Estate are private roads. Builders must be aware that this means they have a responsibility to act accordingly at all times within the Estate, and be mindful of the requirements of the Zenith Garden Executive Committee, which acts on behalf of all residents. There are a series of simple requirements that we would ask all builders to adhere to, in an effort to avoid disturbing the comfort and security of residents as well as coping with the limitations of the Estate's roadways, which we would appreciate you adhering to at all times.

Working hours

The hours of work within the Estate are restricted to the following:

Your approval from Warringah Council also outlines these work hour restrictions. Any breach of these restrictions will result in action from Warringah Council which includes heavy fines.


There are signs at the gates of the Estate, which clearly set out "No Parking on Roadways within Zenith Garden". These restrictions are in place as the roads within the Estate are very narrow. Parked vehicles can severely restrict the flow of construction traffic as well as residents access to their properties. Builders and their workers are permitted to park on roadways whilst off-loading, but this is allowed for short periods only. Vehicles must be parked well clear off the roadways at all times.

Blocking roadways for construction work

We are aware that due to the nature of some construction work required, that roadways may need to be blocked from time to time, during certain stages of construction. However, this may not occur for any reason between the hours of 7:00AM to 4.00 PM on any Tuesday. The Council collects the garbage during that time, and the trucks will not enter the Estate if the roadways are blocked or restricted by parked vehicles.
Any vehicle owner / builder / property owner found blocking or restricting roadways on Tuesday mornings, which would prevent the Council trucks from collecting rubbish, will be subject to the same penalties outlined above in the No Parking section, plus the costs associated with a special garbage collection.
If roadways are to be blocked for any longer than 30 minutes at a time, on days other than Tuesday morning, we require the builder concerned to advise nearby residents at least 1 day prior to the roadway being blocked.

Environmental protection and safety

Builders must ensure that their construction sites are kept as clean and safe as possible at all times. This includes the storing of materials on or near roadways or footpath areas, as well as the build-up of rubbish around their site. Warringah Council officers are regularly patrolling this Estate, and council will take action against builders who consistently offend.
Run-off of silt must also be controlled on all sites at all times. If excessive run-off occurs, the costs associated with emptying silt collection pounds on the Estate can be directed to the builder/site owner concerned. Warringah Council officers are also policing this matter on a regular basis. Builders have been severely fined by the Council on previous occasions, and we suggest care should be taken to avoid penalties.

Damage to community property

You are held fully responsible for any damage to private or common property and roads within the estate, caused by you or your tradespeople or staff. Should any damage occur accidentally, please report it immediately to the Common Property Manager for authority to go ahead with repairs. Should damage not be reported, any costs associated with the repairs will be charged back to the builder and/or site owner concerned.

Noise and behaviour of workers

As you are working in an area that is both a private estate, as well a residential area that is 100% occupied, we request that you take steps to control the noise coming from the site your are involved with. This is paramount in those times before and directly after normal working hours. Also, the behaviour of your staff and tradespeople must be acceptable at all times whilst they are working within the estate.
Any person who fails to behave appropriately can be refused entry to the estate and asked to leave. Failure to comply with such a direction may also result in action by the police.
Please remember that the residents have rights in this estate, which are different and more specific than those that apply to a normal on-street situation. Remember, that you are in a privately owned area at all times and that you have a clear responsibility to act accordingly.
We thank you in advance for your kind co-operation.